Su Idioma Es Nuestro Idioma

Premio de Derecho Comercial de China 2020 —— China Business Journal

Global Team , Local Service

ALB China Excellent Local Law Firm in South China --- Thomson Reuters

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The Vétéran de l'industrie dans l'Immobilier —— Les Chambres & Partenaires, 2020 Guide Asie-Pacifique

P.C. Woo & Zhonglun W.D. LLP is an association law firm established in the Guangdong Qianhai Free Trade Zone between Mainland China firm Zhonglun W&D Law Firm and P.C. Woo & Co. Solicitors in Hong Kong. The firm is amongst the first batch of Guangdong-Hong Kong association law firms approved by the Ministry of Justice, pioneering a platform where lawyers qualified in Mainland China and Hong Kong will practice within the same firm.